Blood Pressure 911


Blood Pressure 911

Even though my blood pressure was just a little high at 130/84, I felt great...

It was the worst day of my life. It was horrific.

You see, I was known as “the fitness guy”.

Heck, I played on the football team in college and I still hit the gym twice a week and eat very healthily.

I’m the guy that friends and family ask for advice on health and diet.

I wasn’t overweight. I didn’t smoke.

I was feeling great that day… then boom… out of nowhere, with no warning signs during my granddaughter’s baptism at church in front of 130 family and friends,

I suffered a stroke that nearly killed me.

I almost died and left my family stranded and alone without a husband and father at the age of 48...

High blood pressure will do that to you.

That's why they call it “the silent killer.’

You never think it will strike you down, but it does.

If you have high blood pressureit means your blood flow is too fast right now.

This is causing damage to your blood vessels, heart vessels, and this is or will restrict blood flow to your brain and heart.

But anyway, after my stroke, my wife and I were eating at our favorite Japanese restaurant, and this led to me luckily stumbling upon...

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